
關於 EagleView 超聲的常見問題和解答。

Q1: 它可以錄製視頻嗎?

A: Yes, EagleView wireless probe-type ultrasound scanner can record video clips for up to 100 seconds. You can also set up the cine length from 10s to 100s in the app settings.

Q2: 有多普勒動脈音嗎?

A: Yes, the unit can estimate blood flow through blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating blood cells.

Q3: 頻譜波形?

A: The unit has pulse wave doppler, it's also a form of spectral doppler.

Q4: 它可以連接到 PACS 嗎?

A: It could ONLY be connected to mobile devices.

Q5: 給動脈多普勒聲還是無聲?

A: 本機脈衝波多普勒模式具有動脈多普勒音。 它發送短超聲波脈衝並分析脈沖之間的反射聲波。

Q6: Does it work in areas without WiFi?

A: 是的。 它有一個內置的WIFI熱點來連接手機。 不依賴醫院或診所網絡。

Q7: What is the power source connection type for the wireless charger?

A: USB電纜

Q8: 請問它包括連續波(CW)多普勒嗎?

A: 不包括連續波。

Q9: Is there available Phased array cardiac probe with CW mode?

A: The convex probe with phased array which makes it a good cardiac ultrasound. However, CW is not included.

Q10: 延遲呢?

A: It depends on the signal environment. Generally, all images are delivered in real-time.

Q11: 可以通過wifi無線連接到windows 10電腦嗎?

A: 我們建議將 pocus 與您的移動設備連接。

Q12: How do I find instructions for the app please?

A: Please check the quick quide and instructions here: https://geteagleview.com/pages/quick-start-guide

Q13: 充電前的最長使用時間?

A: 電池壽命:3~5小時

Q14: 是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一嗎?

A: 是的。 它是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一。

Q15: How to switch from a curved array to a phased array?

A: Phased array and curved array are integrated into the Convex Head. There is no need to switch manually when using EagleView ultrasound. It will automatically switch between the two arrays according to the scanning position.

Q16: Does it support elastography, or tactile imaging?

A: EagleView ultrasound could not support elastography, or tactile imaging to assess the stiffness or elasticity of tissues.

Q17: Can it be used as pediatric hip ultrasound?

A: Yes, the linear head probe could be used as pediatric hip ultrasound scanner.

Q18: What is the function of the adjustment on the right side of the mobile phone screen?

A:  The slideable adjustment on the right screen side is a segmented gain adjustment function. The purpose of segment gain adjustment is to optimize the brightness and contrast within different areas of the image, allowing for better visualization and assessment of structures.

Q19: 它是一個好的超聲心動圖探頭嗎? 它是否包含進行合理超聲心動圖檢查的所有選項? 像 CW、PW、M 模式和彩色多普勒?

A: 一個單元包含 5 種模式:B、B/M、彩色多普勒:B+Color、B+PDI、B+PW。

Q20: Is there a reimbursement code for the Pocus examination? And can one archive study and to where? Cloud? Do you have tutorials for various uses in vascular medicine and critical care applications?

A: There's no reimbursement code. All ultrasound files will be saved on your mobile device (phone or tablet), so don't worry about privacy issues. For more tutorials, please check here: https://geteagleview.com/pages/ultrasound-educational-videos

Q21: 任何曲線和心臟相位陣列探頭?

A: Yes. The dual-head pocus can fulfill your needs.

Q22: 如何調整參數以獲得更高分辨率的圖像?

A: B Mode: dynamic range 60-70, denoise 3-4, frequency: convex probe 3.2MHz or 5.0MHz, linear probe 10MHz, the gain can be adjusted according to the brightness. COLOR Mode: gain+ around 50, PRF2.0K、WF7.

Q23: Can wireless charger be used for Probe-L?

A: Yes. Both Probe-C and Probe-L could support wireless charge.

Q24: 如何清潔?

A: Steps: 1. After each use of the probe, use a soft cloth dampened with Isopropyl alcohol (or an appropriate hospital cleaning agent) to clean the probe. 2. Disconnect the probe from the mobile device. 3. Wipe the probe for one minute until it is visibly clean. 4. Change wipes when necessary and repeat step 3 until the probe is visibly clean. 5. Visually inspect the probe in a well-lit area to ensure all surfaces are clean. If the probe is not clean, repeat the steps above.

Cautions: 1. The probe cannot be immersed in any conductive liquid, so as not to corrode the probe and sheath. 2. The depth of the probe immersed in water shall not exceed the mark of the probe immersion line, and check the probe shell for cracks to avoid damage to internal components by liquid immersion. 3. Before cleaning the probe, make sure that the probe is powered off.

Q25: Does the portable ultrasound machine export images in DICOM?

A: Yes. Please refer to the steps in the video below.

其他問題? 聯繫我們。



EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機在 iPhone 上顯示頸動脈圖像。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機只有手掌大小,是迄今為止最便攜的超聲機。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機採用線性陣列掃描,非常適合血管系統。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機在 iPhone 上顯示頸動脈圖像。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機只有手掌大小,是迄今為止最便攜的超聲機。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機採用線性陣列掃描,非常適合血管系統。



Q1: 它可以錄製視頻嗎?

A: Yes, EagleView wireless probe-type ultrasound scanner can record video clips for up to 100 seconds. You can also set up the cine length from 10s to 100s in the app settings.

Q2: 有多普勒動脈音嗎?

A: Yes, the unit can estimate blood flow through blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating blood cells.

Q3: 頻譜波形?

A: The unit has pulse wave doppler. It's also a form of spectral doppler.

Q4: 它可以連接到 PACS 嗎?

A: It could ONLY be connected to mobile devices.

Q5: 給動脈多普勒聲還是無聲?

A: 本機脈衝波多普勒模式具有動脈多普勒音。 它發送短超聲波脈衝並分析脈沖之間的反射聲波。

Q6: Does it work in areas without WiFi?

A: 是的。 它有一個內置的WIFI熱點來連接手機。 不依賴醫院或診所網絡。

Q7: What is the power source connection type for the wireless charger?

A: USB電纜

Q8: 請問它包括連續波(CW)多普勒嗎?

A: 不包括連續波。

Q9: Is there available Phased array cardiac probe with CW mode?

A: The convex probe with phased array which makes it a good cardiac ultrasound. However, CW mode is not included.

Q10: 延遲呢?

A: It depends on the signal environment. Generally, all images are delivered in real-time.

Q11: 可以通過wifi無線連接到windows 10電腦嗎?

A: 我們建議將 pocus 與您的移動設備連接。

Q12: How do I find instructions for the app please?

A: Please check the quick quide and instructions here:  https://geteagleview.com/pages/quick-start-guide

Q13: 充電前的最長使用時間?

A: 電池壽命:3~5小時

Q14: 是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一嗎?

A: 是的。 它是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一。

Q15: How to switch from a curved array to a phased array?

A: Phased array and curved array are integrated into the Convex Head. There is no need to switch manually when using EagleView ultrasound. It will automatically switch between the two arrays according to the scanning position.

Q16: Does it support elastography, or tactile imaging?

A: EagleView ultrasound could not support elastography, or tactile imaging to assess the stiffness or elasticity of tissues.

Q17: Can it be used as pediatric hip ultrasound?

A: Yes, the linear head probe could be used as pediatric hip ultrasound scanner.

Q18: What is the function of the adjustment on the right side of the mobile phone screen?

A:  The slideable adjustment on the right screen side is a segmented gain adjustment function. The purpose of segment gain adjustment is to optimize the brightness and contrast within different areas of the image, allowing for better visualization and assessment of structures.

Q19: 它是一個好的超聲心動圖探頭嗎? 它是否包含進行合理超聲心動圖檢查的所有選項? 像 CW、PW、M 模式和彩色多普勒?

A: 一個單元包含 5 種模式:B、B/M、彩色多普勒:B+Color、B+PDI、B+PW。

Q20: Is there a reimbursement code for the Pocus examination? And can one archive study and to where? Cloud? Do you have tutorials for various uses in vascular medicine and critical care applications?

A: There's no reimbursement code. All ultrasound files will be saved on your mobile device (phone or tablet), so don't worry about privacy issues. For more tutorials, please check here: https://geteagleview.com/pages/ultrasound-educational-videoshttps://geteagleview.com/pages/ultrasound-educational-videos

Q21: 任何曲線和心臟相位陣列探頭?

A: 是的。 雙頭 pocus 可以滿足您的需求。

Q22: 如何調整參數以獲得更高分辨率的圖像?

A: B Mode: dynamic range 60-70, denoise 3-4, frequency: convex probe 3.2MHz or 5.0MHz, linear probe 10MHz, the gain can be adjusted according to the brightness. COLOR Mode: gain+ around 50, PRF2.0K、WF7.

Q23: Can wireless charger be used for Probe-L?

A: Yes. Both Probe-C and Probe-L could support wireless charge.

Q24: 如何清潔?

A: Steps: 1. After each use of the probe, use a soft cloth dampened with Isopropyl alcohol (or an appropriate hospital cleaning agent) to clean the probe. 2. Disconnect the probe from the mobile device. 3. Wipe the probe for one minute until it is visibly clean. 4. Change wipes when necessary and repeat step 3 until the probe is visibly clean. 5. Visually inspect the probe in a well-lit area to ensure all surfaces are clean. If the probe is not clean, repeat the steps above.

Cautions: 1. The probe cannot be immersed in any conductive liquid, so as not to corrode the probe and sheath. 2. The depth of the probe immersed in water shall not exceed the mark of the probe immersion line, and check the probe shell for cracks to avoid damage to internal components by liquid immersion. 3. Before cleaning the probe, make sure that the probe is powered off.

Q25: Does the portable ultrasound machine export images in DICOM?

A: Yes. Please refer to the steps in the video below.

其他問題? 聯繫我們。



EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機在 iPhone 上顯示頸動脈圖像。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機只有手掌大小,是迄今為止最便攜的超聲機。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機採用線性陣列掃描,非常適合血管系統。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機在 iPhone 上顯示頸動脈圖像。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機只有手掌大小,是迄今為止最便攜的超聲機。
EagleView 線性無線手持超聲機採用線性陣列掃描,非常適合血管系統。




Q1: 是否應用程序。 是否有用於乾預的針道演示和/或針增強?

A: 是的,我們的應用程序確實具有輔助針頭注射的功能,可提供平面內和平面外穿刺。

Q2: 可用於婦產科嗎?

A: 是的,該單元有針對婦產科的特定設置。 該應用程序可以顯示相關的測量值。 

Q3: 請問可以用凸探頭掃描肺部嗎?

A: 是的,雙頭凸頭掃描深度可達305mm,可用於肺部。 

Q4: 它可以錄製視頻嗎?

A: 是的,EagleView 雙頭超聲波可以錄製長達 100 秒的視頻剪輯。 您還可以在應用程序設置中設置從 10 秒到 100 秒的電影長度。

Q5: 雙頭超聲和袖珍超聲有什麼區別?

A:這款pocket pocus最大的亮點就是尺寸更小,價格更低。 請注意,這款袖珍探頭沒有能量多普勒模式。 它有4種成像模式:B、M、彩色多普勒和脈衝波多普勒。 

Q6: TCD有申請嗎?

A: TCD(Transcranial Doppler)目前手持超聲的掃描深度還不夠。

Q7: 超聲波是否適合查看面部血管?

A: 是的,線性頭可以用於觀察面部血管,也可以用於美學。

Q8:  How about eyes?

A: 是的,它可以用於 MSK 掃描。

Q9: 適合做神經阻滯嗎?

A: 是的,該裝置有特定的神經阻滯掃描模式。 不需要報銷代碼。 所有超聲文件都將保存在您的移動設備(手機或平板電腦)上,所以不用擔心隱私問題。 更多教程請查看:https://geteagleview.com/pages/ultrasound-educational-videos

Q10: 是否有 pocus 考試的報銷代碼。 一個檔案可以研究到哪裡。? 雲 。? 你有血管醫學和重症監護應用中各種用途的教程嗎? 例如。 肺傷肝等評估

A: 不需要報銷代碼。 所有超聲文件都將保存在您的移動設備(手機或平板電腦)上,所以不用擔心隱私問題。 更多教程請查看:https://geteagleview.com/pages/ultrasound-educational-videos




Q1: 頻譜波形? 

A: 單位有脈衝波多普勒。 它也是頻譜多普勒的一種形式。

Q2: 超聲波探頭的頻率是多少? 我們可以將它用作眼科超聲嗎?

A: 頻率:3.5MHz-10MHz

Q3: 有多普勒動脈音嗎?

A: 是的,該裝置可以通過循環血細胞反射高頻聲波(超聲波)來估計流經血管的血流量。

Q4: 給動脈多普勒聲還是無聲?

A: 本機脈衝波多普勒模式具有動脈多普勒音。 它發送短超聲波脈衝並分析脈沖之間的反射聲波。

Q5: 它在沒有wifi的地區工作嗎?

A: 是的。 它有一個內置的WIFI熱點來連接手機。 不依賴醫院或診所網絡。

Q6: 它與Android手機兼容嗎?

A: 是的,它同時支持 iOS 和 Android。

Q7: 無線充電器的電源連接方式是什麼?

A: USB電纜

Q8:  你有獸用微凸探頭嗎?

A: 在此處查看我們的獸醫妊娠掃描儀:https://geteagleview.com/products/dawei-portable-veterinary-ultrasound。

Q9: 我看到凸和線性探頭......但在視頻中是扇形探頭......可以連接扇形探頭嗎?

A: 它看起來最像一個扇形換能器,然而,該裝置允許它像扇形、線性和凸面換能器一樣工作。

Q10: 請問它包括連續波(CW)多普勒嗎?

A: 不包括連續波。

Q11: 有 CW 模式的相控陣心臟探頭嗎?

A: 雙頭 pocus 包含相控陣,使其成為良好的心臟超聲。 但是,不包括 CW。

Q12:  延遲呢?

A: 取決於信號環境。 通常,所有圖像都是實時傳送的。

Q13: 可以通過wifi無線連接到windows 10電腦嗎?

A: 我們建議將 pocus 與您的移動設備連接。

Q15: 請問如何找到該應用程序的說明?

A: 請在此處查看快速指南和說明:https://geteagleview.com/pages/support

Q16:  充電前的最長使用時間?

A: 電池壽命:3~5小時

Q17: 是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一嗎?

A: 是的。 它是混合系統(線性、凸面和相控陣)合二為一。 

Q18: 設備中生成的圖像在哪裡,圖像被發送到平板電腦進行可視化......還是在平板電腦上生成?

A: APP上的圖像,保存在平板電腦或手機上。

Q19: 探頭是通過自己的 Wifi 熱點與手機連接,還是必須通過診所無線網絡路由?

A: 謝謝你的提問。 它有自己的 Wifi 熱點鏈接到手機。 而且它不需要診所無線網絡。

Q20:  它可以連接到 PACS 嗎?


Q21: 它是一個好的超聲心動圖探頭嗎? 它是否包含進行合理超聲心動圖檢查的所有選項? 像 CW、PW、M 模式和彩色多普勒? 








Q25: 如何清潔?




Q1: 需要每月訂閱嗎?



A: 您可以享受 30 天免費退貨。 在收到您的訂單後的前 30 天內,如果您對我們的服務不是 100% 滿意,請隨時將您的設備退回給我們以獲得退款或換貨。

Q3: Hi there, I'm interested. 


其他問題? 聯繫我們。
